1864: Albert Brown, 15 April 1864

Camp Tilden, Winter Quarters of 16th Maine Infantry, March 1864

Camp Tilden, Mitchell Station
April 15th 1864

Dear Aunt [Mary P. Brown],

Your letter and the papers arrived safe to hand last evening. I am going to write a line to you in answer to yours today for it is so reported that we are not going to be allowed to send any letters home after the 16th which will be tomorrow. I do not hardly believe the report but still it may be so and if you do not get any more letters from me for awhile, you will know the reason. I don’t think that the restriction will be upon us more than a few weeks at the longest.

The sutlers of our Brigade have been ordered back to the rear by the 16th and the sick are all being taken to Washington, and I think by that that we will be on the move before long. The First and Fifth Corps have been consolidated into one and it is to be called the Fifth Corps. We were in the 1st Brigade, 2nd Vision of the First Corps before the change was made. We are now in the same Brigade and Division of the Fifth Corps. You can tell where I am by the papers if I am not allowed to write, but I will write if I can and as often as I can.

We are having some pleasant weather here at present and the mud is drying up pretty fast. But it looks this afternoon as though it was going to rain again shortly.

I got a letter from Frank a few evenings ago. The folks were all well at home. I am enjoying very good health at present for which I am very thankful. I don’t know as I can think of any more to write this time. Write as often as you can. I suppose there will be no objection to letters coming into the army from home. Give my love to all the folks and accept a share yourself.

From your nephew, — Albert C. Brown